License Terms
The MIT License is a permissive license that allows you to use the software for any purpose, including commercial purposes. You are allowed to:
Use the (Un)Official uAlberta LaTeX Thesis Template for personal or commercial purposes
Modify the template to suit your needs
Distribute the template (modified or unmodified)
Use the template as a basis for a new project
Include the template in a larger project
However, there are certain limitations to what you are allowed to do with the template. The MIT License requires that:
You include a copy of the license in any distribution of the template
You include copyright notices and disclaimers in any modified version of the template
You do not hold the template's author liable for any damages caused by the use or modification of the template
In addition, while you are free to modify the template, you are not allowed to:
Remove the copyright notice or license information from the template
Claim that you created the template or that it is your own work
Use the template in a way that violates any laws or infringes on any third-party rights
By using the LaTeX Thesis Template, you agree to the terms of the MIT License. This means that you are free to use and modify the template, as long as you follow the license terms and limitations. If you have any questions about the license or how to use the template, please contact me using the information provided on the Contact Me page.